About Daphne
Fluff and slobber have never been more adorable - and doesn’t Daphne know it! As Chief Barketing Officer, she keeps everyone in check by keeping a fierce eye on every happening. Nothing gets by her without her approval.
Daphne can be somewhat unprofessional at times as she carries out her day with little care as to who she’s interrupting and when. Little sister to overprotective Chester, she is relentless as she bares all her strength rumbling with him ready or not.
She’s skilled at sneaking up like a ninja in stealth mode and then giving an ear-piercing bark whenever it suits her. She thinks it’s hilarious. She also has a taste for leather and laces. How she reaches carefully concealed shoes we’ll never know! Qualified at next to nothing, she’s a true diva with selective hearing who’ll do anything for BBQ chicken.
Daphne is a dynamo to be reckoned with and appreciates the power of big brown eyes and long lashes. She brings unconditional love to everyone she meets and is very much a self-starter who loves nothing more than lap cuddles in the air conditioning during her downtime.
Disclaimer: Endless belly rubs will win you brownie points.